Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrant, Mugshot & More


Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Grimes County Texas. Your Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Facility, Offense Date, Bond, Disposition, Booking Number, Booking Date, Release Date, Issuing Authority, Aliases, Date of Birth, Physical Description

Grimes County Sheriff Information

Don Sowell, Sheriff
Grimes County Sheriff’s Office
382 FM 149 West
Anderson, Texas 77830
Phone: 936-873-6401 or 936-825-5726 (Cell)
Fax: (936) 873-2010
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Todd Greene, Chief Deputy
Grimes County Sheriff’s Office
382 FM 149 West
Anderson, Texas 77830
Phone: 936-873-6499
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Grimes is a county in the State of Texas. According to the United States Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 794 square miles (2,056 sq. km). The county seat of Grimes is Anderson. The largest city of Grimes County is Navasota. Grimes County had a population of approximately 28,032 in the year 2010.

The most wanted offenders are listed according to their last names, first names, middle names, DOB, sex, race, hair color, eye color, height, weight, convictions, etc.

All completed employment applications should be submitted to:

Grimes County Sheriff’s Office
382 FM 149 West
Anderson, Texas 77830
Phone: (936) 873-2151
Fax: (936) 873-2010

Grimes County Crime Statistics:

Grimes Annual Average Violent Crimes: 113
Data Source: Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrant, Mugshot & More

Grimes County Jail Information

Grimes County Jail is located in Grimes County, Texas. The jail has an inmate capacity of 111. The physical location of the Grimes County Jail is:

Grimes County Jail
382 FM 149 West
Anderson, Texas 77830
Phone: 936-873-6439

Visitations Hours at Grimes County Jail:

Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (TDCJ/County Work Program)
Saturday, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Female)
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Male)
Saturday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Certain Offenses)

Staff at Grimes County Jail:

Lt. Daniel Caswell, Jail Administration
Phone: 936-873-6402

Ozell Covington, Jail
Phone: 936-873-6441

Michael Briggs, Jail Sergeant
Phone: 936-873-6425

Caryn Searle, Medical Coordinator
Phone: 936-873-6488

Carolyn Lucherk, Kitchen Supervisor
Phone: 936-873-6400

Grimes County Sheriff’s Office Open Records Request

Records/reports regarding inmates, offenders, arrests, and most wanted and other related information can be obtained from the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office. Requests for records can be made by completing and submitting the Open/Public Records Request Form to the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office during regular business hours. The form is as follow:

The location and records request contact information are as follows:

Attn: Records
Grimes County Sheriff’s Office
382 FM 149 West
Anderson, TX 77830
Phone: 936-873-6401
Fax: 936-873-2010
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Looking For A Licensed Bail Bond Agent in Grimes County?

Gage Gandy Bail Bonds

home 116 N Washington Ave, Bryan, TX 77803, USA
phone (979) 821-2663

Reviewed from Google

4.7 out of 5 stars

Michelle Hemphill
Michelle Hemphill

5 out of 5 stars

posted 2 weeks ago

I just want to say that this company has been amazing for me and my family. They took out the time to listen to what we needed. They were there. They have a great understanding. They didn’t hide anything. I just wanna say thank you to Jessica Juanita and Miss Garri. These women have been so amazing. I pray that this company continue to prosper and grow continue to do what you do to help those thank you again.

Alli Cary
Alli Cary

5 out of 5 stars

posted 2 weeks ago

They helped me very quickly and were responsive to my calls. Great customer service as well

Jessica M
Jessica M

5 out of 5 stars

posted 9 months ago

Hands down the BEST bail bonds!! The Gandy's are absolutely amazing handling all your needs to get back to your life and family. The agents they have working for them are TRUE GEMS 💎 they go above and beyond to make sure the process goes as smooth as possible for you and your loved one. They are a team and like family that will make a lasting impression on anyone they encounter. As they're open 24/7, you can call anytime any day in need of a notary they have you covered, need bilingual they hae you covered. And let them get your feet or loved ones feet back on the street.

Haskell County Jail Population Report
Data Collected Fri, 14 Apr 2023 01:10:22 UTC from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards
Pretrial Felons138
Convicted Felons5
Convicted Felons Sentenced County0
Parole Violators2
Parole Violators New Charge0
Pretrial Misdemeanors11
Convicted Misdemeanors0
Bench Warrants0
Pretrial Sjf17
Convicted Sjf Sentenced County0
Convicted Sjf Sentenced State0
Total Others0
Total Local14
Total Contract401
Total Population415
Total Capacity0
Percent Of Capacity0.00
Available Beds0

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrant, Mugshot & More

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